Lily Nutrition and Dietetics Unit

Lily Hospitals Nutrition and Dietetics Unit Warri and Benin ensures the nutritional wellbeing of the hospital population through a detailed problem-solving method (Nutrition Care Plan).

Nutrition Care Plan allows Clinical Nutritionist/Dietitians to think critically on patients’ management, and make decisions that address practice-related problems. Thereby, providing high quality nutrition care, Whenever, Wherever.

The Core Principle of the Nutrition Care Plan is based on what the dietetic intervention intends to achieve.

It also measures its effectiveness (the outcome), that is, what happens to the nutritional status of the patient as a direct result of the input of the dietitian, and for dietitians to own that outcome.

A good outcome is therefore defined as one where the agreed care plan for optimizing the recipient’s nutritional wellbeing has been achieved.

Objectives of Nutrition Care Plan

Nutrition Care Plan Steps

The NCP consists of four distinct, but interrelated steps:

  1. Nutrition Assessment: A systematic process of obtaining, verifying and interpreting data in order, to make decisions about the nature and cause of nutrition-related problems.
  2. Diagnosis: Critical step between nutrition assessment and nutrition intervention. It involves the identification of an existing nutrition problem, by using the data collected in the nutrition

assessment, that the dietitian is responsible for treating

  1. Intervention: The principle concentrates on the issue at hand taking a detailed course of action and utilizing resources. The final goal is to modify an individual, a specific group or a Community’s nutrition behaviour.
  2. Monitoring/Evaluation: Critical step that defines the outcomes specific to nutrition care; To determine whether progress made related to the patient’s nutrition intervention goals and/or desired outcomes.

Our Services:

  • Weight management: dietary management of Overweight (BMI of 25-29.9kg/m2), Obesity (BMI over 30 kg/m2), Morbid obesity (BMI over 40 kg/m2) or Underweight (BMI<18.5 kg/m2)
  • Diabetes management: Dietary approach to Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes management.
  • Hypertension management: Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet)
  • Dislipidemia: High cholesterol control through proper food choices
  • Renal Disease: Facilitating kidney recovery through diets.
  • Kidney stone dietary management
  • Liver disease: Healthy eating in liver disease management
  • Heart disease dietary management
  • Malnutrition (in children and adults) due to poor appetite or reduced food intake
  • Nutrition in cerebrovascular disease (stroke management)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis nutrition care
  • Gout disease
  • Hyperthyroidism nutrition care
  • Nutrition in geriatrics: Nutrition care of elderly
  • Tube feeding for clients with very low to nil oral food intakes.

2-3 per week will not affect your cholesterol level, it is not the cholesterol in the egg themselves that affects your blood cholesterol level, it is the fat you cook them in. therefore, boil, poach or scramble them rather than fry.

All fruits contain natural sugars and eaten in large quantities will increase your blood sugar levels. But 3-4 portions of fruits spread throughout the day will not affect your blood sugar levels. Therefore limit grapes to about a handful at any one time.

No, starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta and rice provide the body with energy, therefore should be included in each meal. However all foods eaten in excess will increase your calorie intake and therefore leads to weight gain.

No, they provide fibre and vitamins and are lower in calories than crips, cakes, or biscuits. However, you can still put on weight if you eat too much because it is high in sugars which convert to calories. Therefore, for a diabetic or for a person on weight reduction diet, watch the quantity you eat.

There is no conclusive evidence that taking garlic tablets will lower your cholesterol.

Some sweeteners are a mixture of sugar and sweetener such as sucron, whilst others are purely artificial and are therefore calorie free and will not affect blood sugars. However sorbitol based sweeteners has a laxative effect and are therefore not recommended.

Not really, foods high in sugar and/or fats are perceived as bad, but they ‘bad’ only if eaten in large quantities. All foods eaten in moderation, as part of a healthy diet will not lead to weight gain or raised cholesterol.

Diabetic sweet and chocolate are usually sweetened with sorbitol which can have a laxative effect; they also tend to be higher in calories and fat. Therefore, eaten in large quantities could cause weight gain.

No, it is not necessary to totally avoid red meat, although it does contain some saturated fat. Therefore, have small portions using low fat cooking methods. Red meat is a rich source of iron and so unnecessary restrictions is not advised.

This question cannot be answered yet. Researchers are still working to find the cure.

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Lily Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, Warri

6 Brisibe Street, Off Etuwewe Bus stop, off Deco Road Warri, Delta State.

Phone: +234 9062535388

Lily Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, Benin

7 Boundary Road, GRA, Benin City.

Phone: +234 0811 369 0592

Service Recipient Says

We will now use Lily Hospitals as our main hospitals as we got better treatment here than our previous hospitals. Well done

Mrs A.E

This is a good place to be for your health needs as the whole unit ( front desk, doctors, nurses and customer service) all work togerther to attend to our concerns in a fast and professional manner. What I love most is the customer service team checking on me while here to make sure I'm been attended to. Well done Lily Hospitals

Mr & Mrs O.K

Lily Hospitals are getting better and better. Lot of improvement overall compared to the last time I was here. Well-done, Lily Hospitals

Mrs K